【ZetaChain】Galxeバッジ取得のためのクイズ ZetaChain コピー 2023.05.13 Galxeのためのクイズ フォームに回答して提出 ZETA Assimilated 201Enter ZETA Assimilated 201 and complete the quiz. Eligible user wallets update every 12 hours so check back soon. After you mint your NFT, make sure to get your... 答えは以下のツイートに記載 9/ Zeta Assimilated 101:1️⃣ All the above (and any existing & future chain!)2️⃣ Omnichain decentralized app3️⃣ Access and manage assets…4️⃣ All the above5️⃣ Bitcoin6️⃣ B7️⃣ All the above & much more!— Alpha Frog (@AlphaFrog13) April 30, 2023